Thursday, January 17, 2013

It's my first time!

So, it was suggested to me by my friend Ginger that I should start blogging. Apparently she's a little worried about me, and how I'm going to be able to cope after she moves away. I'm going to admit the thought of that sucks big time, but it's not just her that's moving away. Her hubby is my fiancee's best friend and our friend Dildo Daggins is moving with them as well.

I guess before I get too far into what is going on now and in the near future, I guess I should put down a little about me, just in case the random person comes along to my blog.

I'm Teal, which is obviously not my real name....actually none of the names I use will be real. If that's not obvious y'all must think my friends and I have some REALLY interesting names! Well, I'm engaged to the most wonderful guy in the world, we'll call him Aero (yes Ginger I'm stealing your names, sorry!) I'm really excited about the upcoming's in just over three months!

I never thought I would get married again, since my first marriage was so horrible. That was a very dark time in my life, as my ex was extremely abusive. I swore I would never get married again, but then I met Aero. I knew him for about two years before we even met! We met online, and actually Ginger's husband introduced us. I was so nervous when we decided to meet, but it was all worth it. I swear, when he walked in the door, it's as if the entire universe lined up perfectly at that just second. I knew right then and there that he was the man I was going to marry, and three months later I was moving across the country to be with him!

Fast forward to today. I've been here for almost a year, and I can honestly say this is probably the happiest I have ever been in my life. I have a wonderful man by my side and the greatest friends you could ever possibly ask for.

I think that's why I'm having such a hard time with everyone moving away. It's really hard for me to trust people, because of things that happened in my past. It's actually really scary because I've never let anyone in like I have these guys. I learned at a very young age that when you let someone in, and get close to you there were only two outcomes. They would either end up completely back stabbing you, using everything they learned about you against you....inflicting more pain that you can imagine. Or, they just leave.

I know in my heart that Dildo, Ginger, and Gilligan will never do that to me, and that just because they are leaving it doesn't mean they are never going to talk to me again...hell they are all in my wedding in some way! It's just that some things are hard to work through. I've tried to explain this to Ginger, but I can never seem to find the words. I always end up crying, which I know makes her uncomfortable. I'm going to give her the link to this, so maybe she'll be able to understand it a little better now.

I know it sounds like I'm going to be all alone, but I'm really not. I'm going to have Aero, Eleven, and CPK. It's just going to be hard with the other half of our gang like 600 miles away. Well on the bright side, I'm going to see Ginger on our birthday weekend...that's also the weekend that we're doing my bachelorette party. Yeah, that's going to be a blast!

Ok, I think that's long enough for my first blog. I'm going to be hopefully updating this often. I need a place to put my thoughts and feelings instead of leaving them bottled up inside. According to Ginger and Aero that isn't exactly healthy. >.>

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you're finally doing this. Looking forward to reading more.
